
Meta Learning For Knowledge Distillation

With the prevalence of large neural networks with millions or billions of parameters, model compression is gaining prominence for facilitating efficient, eco-friendly deployment for machine learning applications.

Recent Research Topics

Imagine a future in which intelligence is not restricted to humans!!! A future where machines can think as well as humans and work with them to create an even more exciting universe. While this future is still far away, Artificial Intelligence has still made a lot of advancement in these times. Following are the latest research topics of great interest.


Machine Learning

Reinforcement Machine Learning Algorithms

Machine Learning involves the use of AI to enable machines to learn a task from experience without programming them specifically about that task.


Cloud Computing

Big Data

Big data refers to the large amounts of data produced by various programs in a very short duration of time.It is quite cumbersome to store such huge amounts of data in company-run data centers.


Internet of Things

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence deals with the creation of systems that can learn to emulate human tasks using their prior experience and without any manual intervention.



Blockchain Technology

In a blockchain, as the name implies, the data is added to the ledger as blocks, each with its own unique digital signature and timestamp, connected to the previous block.

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